Best Native Ad Networks: Reviews, Pros & Cons

 11 min read


Native is the crown prince – it’s the new mantra that you might often hear when it comes to online advertising (hint: a crown prince is someone who’s likely to become the next king). That’s why we decided to gather all the best native ad networks in one place.

Just recently we’ve touched upon best traffic sources for affiliate marketing and listed Native Ads as one in our top 5 list. And for good reason.

Native Ads spend has been growing consistently in the US, gaining approximately 25% in advertising spending each year, for the last three years.

The Native Ad Spend Trend

Below, you can find the native display advertising in the United States from 2016 to 2020 (in billions U.S dollars) by Statista.

native advertising spending

Source: Statista

The spending seems to be going up steadily year-over-year, and the reason, funny enough, is because no one likes ads. Even affiliate marketers have AdBlock just in case. Native is gonna keep growing and evolving because, ironically, it looks the least like an ad, compared to all other formats.

Related Content: Mobile Ad Formats and Sizes: The Essential Guide

Native ads help to avoid banner blindness (for now), they provide additional value to the visitor, and drive engagement. Most importantly, they bring revenue.

Google utilizes native approach when showing ads on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages), as well as when it comes to displaying ad websites – they both try to mimic the look and context of the placement they are showing in.

Facebook uses native approach by showing you the ads that correspond to your interests, yet are mostly served as a part of your timeline and (should) fit there naturally.

YouTube isn’t there, yet – its content is too hard to mimic for now, but they’ll figure something out.

Let’s dive in and explore them a little further!

Best Native Ad Networks for Beginner – Experienced Affiliates


mgid for best native ad networks


MGID has been one of the pioneers in the native. Launched back in 2008, it has spread over millions of websites, and has subsidiaries tailored for specific regional markets.

It’s one of the friendliest platforms for affiliate marketers, requiring a deposit of just $100 to start your first campaign.

However, let’s take a brief look at MGID and see it from a larger perspective.

For one, the traffic flow is estimated at 70 million visits (at the time of writing). While this number is certainly substantial.


That’s quite a variance, don’t you find? Yes, while USA generates, naturally, the most traffic on the platform (yet still not too much), you can see that the other spots are occupied by Tier 2 countries, such as India and Vietnam.

That’s one of the reasons why MGID’s traffic is often called “low quality”. Quality is defined by the audience, and as an affiliate you really gotta know the audience of the platform, and not just that of your offer.

Done with the audience. So, we know that MGID is particularly friendly with affiliate marketers. What does it offer tech-wise?

First, there are quite a few targeting options for you to address the right kind of viewers:

  • Location (country/region/city)
  • Browser
  • Language
  • Device
  • Demographics
  • Interests
  • ISPs and connection type (WiFi/Carrier)
  • Context and sentiment
  • Phone price ranges

You might notice that there’s no WiFi/Carrier targeting option. It’s unfortunate, but common within native platforms. Keep in mind that you’ll often need to have backup campaigns on your tracker to filter out WiFi traffic and direct it to a different offer.

Next, the other options are pretty useful, too:

  • Retargeting – for pursuing leads that have expressed interest in your offers
  • Scheduling – for, well, you know, scheduling the time for displaying your ads
  • Frequency capping – for limiting the number of times someone sees your ads
  • Selective Bidding – for adjusting your bids depending on parameters that drive results

So, all of that – good functionality and low entry barrier make MGID a perfect entry point for when you wanna start your path in Native Advertising.

Just don’t forget to study their content guidelines to know which niches and angles are allowed.

If you’re ready to try it out, check our detailed guide and in-depth MGID review.

And, of course, don’t forget our MGID Exclusive 25% Bonus (Up to $5000)!

Signup on MGID

2. Adcash

adcash native network

The last native platform that we’ll be looking at is Adcash.

Adcash is a fully transparent self-service DSP that has been dominating the popunder market since 2007. In recent years they have started to move towards less intrusive ad formats and introduced native ads back in late 2017.

Adcash’s online advertising platform is a perfect place to start affiliate marketing as their easy-to-use platform enables you to run, manage and analyze all your campaigns in one place. Best of all, with Adcash you can unify all your media buying activities as the platform is connected to all the top SSPs and their own exclusive publishers. This means that it has never been easier to manage all your different traffic sources in one place.

Also, did you know that they’re fighting very hard against ad fraud?

Adcash’s in-house team and advanced fraud filters helped advertisers to save around $12.3M in 2019.

Well, this is very impressive indeed!

Now it’s time to look at their traffic and top GEOs.

In total Adcash receives around 10B ad requests every day for different ad formats (native, push notifications, popunder, display and interstitials) and their top GEOs are mostly Tier 1 countries.

The top GEOs for native are France, USA, and Germany. However, as they work with most of the SSPs they have nearly unlimited global reach. Low traffic volumes will never be an issue with Adcash!

adcash traffic

However, all campaigns and ads will be validated by their in-house team to ensure that only campaigns that comply with their policies will be approved. Usually, it takes about 3-4 hours to get your campaigns approved and advertisers must be aware of their content rules for native ads.

One of the best things about this platform has is their granular targeting capabilities that enable you to tailor your ads and reach the most precise audience. You can be rest assured that you will not waste your budget on an irrelevant audience.

adcash targeting

But let’s find out what the different targeting options are:

  • Location – country/region/city
  • SSPs – cherry pick your traffic sources from over 200+ trusted SSPs or target Adcash’s exclusive publishers or both!
  • ISPs and Connection Type (WiFi/Carrier) – they are the only platform out of 5 who’s offering this targeting option
  • Browser name/version/language targeting
  • Device Types & OS (name/version) targeting
  • User Interest – reach audiences who’re more likely to be interested in your product/service based on their interests
  • Website Categories – choose website verticals where you would like your ads to appear
  • Zones – they have 3 different levels of zones (unique ad placement using a structure 123456-123456-123456) that can be either whitelisted or blacklisted

Besides the targeting options, you can also use their dynamic macros (city, country and OS) to make your ads even more relevant to your target audience and increase your CTRs and conversion rates.

Lastly, you can use their frequency, zone, and bid capping options to keep your spending under control.

When it comes to bidding, you can choose between CPM, CPC, and their CPA Target bid types. Their CPA Target is very powerful as it helps advertisers to achieve their targeted acquisition cost without any manual optimization.

However, let the system to run at least a few days to analyze your campaign before it can start to automatically find the best-converting traffic sources for you. After that, you can sit back and relax!

It’s also important to mention that they have two different campaign wizards – Express and Advanced. If you’re new to Adcash, then their Advanced campaign can be a bit complex to set up as they have so many different options.

However, they have a great support team who’ll be able to assist you to ensure that you have set up your campaign correctly.

Adcash is a great place to unify all your media buying activities via a single platform.

Check out our detailed guide and in-depth Adcash review.

Signup on Adcash

3. TrafficStars


TrafficStars is an adult ad network and ad exchange that offers full support for native, alongside other ad formats.

Expect high-quality traffic from exclusive publishers worldwide, and bid on premium ad inventory in real-time.

TrafficStars uses a custom native ad widget and the campaign creation interface makes it easy to upload your creatives and design your ads in seconds.

You can select the CPC or CPMV (cost per 1000 views) cost model for your ads, so you only pay for impressions seen by actual users.

The ad network is predominantly geared towards adult advertisers and publishers, although certain other verticals can also perform well.

See also: TrafficStars Review

TrafficStars also includes some neat targeting and tracking tools that will help you optimize your campaigns and increase your ROI.

Advertisers can choose from 35 categories in adult and use advanced tracking macros to keep track of their best-performing ad spots.

Targeting options include:

  • Languages
  • Devices
  • Operating Systems
  • Browsers
  • Carriers
  • Proxy traffic type
  • IP ranges
  • Keywords
  • Retargeting

In addition to this, advertisers can choose between three traffic selection options for their campaigns. These are: RON (run-of-nework), Prime inventory, and Members Area ad spots.

Popular verticals on TrafficStars include:

  • Cam
  • Dating
  • Manga / Anime
  • Games
  • News and Media
  • Streaming

The advanced Artificial Neural Network algorithm makes optimizing your campaigns a cinch, and the detailed stats and analytics make it easy to see top performers at a glance.

The ad network also supports smart targeting – so you can get your ad seen by engaged users and keep your costs to a minimum.

Creating your account takes only a few seconds, and once you are approved you can start the campaign creation process right away.

The CPMV price model offers a minimum bid of 0.01 – 0.03$, and you can choose between the Standard and Dynamic bid model, depending on whether you want the system to manage your bids for you.

Funding your account is quick and easy and funds can be added in the following ways:

  • PayPal
  • Paxum
  • Cosmopay
  • ePayService,
  • European SEPA Transfer
  • International WIRE Transfer

Deposits are as low as 100$ for Paxum, PayPal, Cosmopay, and ePayService, but customers who are funding their accounts using wire transfer will need to deposit $500 to get started on the network.

S2S tracking and dynamic parameters are available to help you assess which ad spots and targeting are working for your ads.

Support is available via Skype and your accounts manager is on hand to help you with tracking and campaign creation.

TrafficStars is a top rated ad network, with plenty of high-volume adult traffic, supported by powerful ad tech solutions. It has excellent security features and optimization tools, and is a good platform for affiliates who demand high-quality adult traffic across a global marketplace.

Register with TrafficStars using the link below.

Sign up with TrafficStars

4. EvaDav


EvaDav may be a relatively new company to the native advertising space, but don’t think these guys don’t mean business.

In the few years since they’ve been established, we’ve already seen them throw down some pretty hefty ad tech, proving the experience and vision of the team to be on an equal footing with just about any other ad network you could name.

In many aspects, the innovative ad tech and ludicrously easy to use interface far exceed that of its competitors, a fact that hasn’t gone unnoticed by both publishers and advertisers.

From a high converting native push-notification ad format to a proprietary anti-fraud system and predictive behavioral algorithm, EvaDav really has pulled out all the stops.

And they’ve got the stats to back it up.

You can expect to tap into a traffic source of over 600 million daily impressions, at close to 100,000 publishers, 45,000 advertisers, and 400,000 active campaigns.

If the volume is your concern, there’s really no contest.

Here’s a sneak peek  of their source distribution:

So why choose to work with EvaDav?

Well, for one, they have traffic in 250 GEOs, and work with any vertical, making them the perfect partner for CPA campaigns and affiliate advertisers.

You’re also looking at some quality top-tier traffic with over 1 million new monthly subscriptions, so you’ll be able to get your offers seen by hungry traffic sources, no matter where in the world you wanna advertise.

Here are just a few of the verticals that are getting amazing results from the platform:

  • Gaming
  • Dating
  • Beauty
  • Sports
  • eCommerce
  • Health
  • Tourism
  • Education

Then there’s the slick campaign creation and targeting options that enable you to map your campaign down to the granular level.

These include:

  • Ad format
  • Frequency capping
  • Countries & bid
  • City
  • Device
  • Browser
  • Language
  • Subscription period
  • Start and stop hour
  • ISP
  • Advertising limit
  • Audiences

The other good news for affiliates is super fast campaign approval, 100% viewability, premium inventory, and fraud protection, as well as ad tech which shows your ad to the right user at the right time, to make sure the CR and CTR stay in your favor.

In regards to payments, all major payment methods are supported, including:

  • PayPal
  • Skrill
  • WebMoney
  • ePayments
  • Paxum
  • Bank transfer
  • Visa
  • Payoneer

Plus with a $25 payout and only $100 initial deposit and top-up amount, it’s an extremely advertiser-friendly platform to use.

Approval to the platform is fast and it works seamlessly with all major trackers such as Voluum, RedTrack, BeMob, Binom, and Thrive to name a few.

You’ll also be assigned a personal account manager available 24/7 to help you kickstart your campaigns and get the most bang for your buck.

Our verdict?

EvaDav is a cutting edge native ad tech platform that is delivering some consistently good results in top GEOs and verticals.

For quality traffic and volume, they’re at the top of their game, and if helps a bunch that the platform is so user-friendly and intuitive to use.

Wanna give EvaDav a try?

Sign up using the link below and get started in as little as 10 minutes right away.

Signup on EvaDav

5. Adsterra

adsterra native ad network

Adsterra is a world-known ad network with a Unique Partner Care approach and a decade-long presence in digital advertising. It serves over 35 billion ad impressions monthly, achieving 1.5 billion conversions annually and boasting up to 20% CTR.

It works with 35K+ direct publishers and 15K+ brands, affiliates, media agencies, and ad networks dealing with mainstream and non-mainstream verticals.

Adsterra provides unique Popunder, Social Bar, Interstitial, In-Page push, Native, and Banner traffic from all over the world. Leading verticals with powerful profits: iGaming and eSports, Utility (Antiviruses, Cleaners), E-commerce, Sweepstakes, Finance, Pin submits, Social / Dating, Mobile Subscriptions, Apps, Browser Extensions (Addons).

With Adsterra Native ads, advertisers run AdBlock-resistant and cost-effective CPC, CPM, and CPA campaigns. Native banners blend in the web and mobile content, driving up to 8x higher CTRs than classic display ads.

With Adsterra, you can connect with a larger audience. Our smart algorithms match your offers with website content and user interests so that native banners won’t be blocked. Advertisers can A/B test up to 15 creatives and headings to increase sales volume.

Bidding Models: CPA, CPM, CPI, CPL, RTB, CPC

Minimum Deposit: $100

Targeting: 20+ filter targeting, including user activity and retargeting option. As well as rare finds like Browser versions, OS versions, carrier, user lifetime, and IP targeting.

Main benefits for advertisers:

  • Partner Care: personal touch, quick replies, top-notch problem-solving skills, access to in-house developed design concepts.
  • No malvertising is allowed at Adsterra. Malware, redirects, unsolicited downloads, and alerts are strictly prohibited.
  • Easy start: Launching a campaign takes less than an hour.
  • Run campaigns on SSP or with a manager
  • The minimum deposit is only $100.
  • Rules-based cost optimization with Smart CPM and CPA Goal.
  • Various Smart tools for SSP advertisers: Traffic Estimator, Traffic Chart, Recommended offers (the
  • Offers Wishlist), Custom Bid, and Pricing Tokens.
  • Three-level anti-fraud protection.
  • Payment methods include Visa/Mastercard, UnionPay, Paxum, Capitalist, and Wire Transfer.
  • Easy API and tracking integration.

Main benefits for publishers:

  • Adsterra is the best Adsense alternative
  • Competitive CPM rates
  • Filters of unwanted ads
  • Automated biweekly payouts from $5
  • Anti-AdBlock feature increasing revenue by up to 35%
  • 5% referral program
  • Smart Direct link ad format

Sign up with Adsterra

6. TwinRed

Advertisers/affiliates can expect the same excellent standards of service and support that they have always known from the experienced and knowledgeable Double Impact team.

TwinRed offers global inventory, across all GEOs, and supports many high converting verticals.

Related: TwinRed Review

You can choose between CPC or CPM price models and take advantage of the platform’s extensive targeting capabilities for highly profitable native ad campaigns.

Targeting options include:

  • Country
  • City
  • Sexual orientation
  • Network targeting
  • Channel targeting
  • Device targeting
  • OS
  • Browsers

TwinRed uses a custom widget that displays your ads on the publisher site. These ads have a high engagement and CTR and can be used with macros to boost your ROI.

Popular verticals on TwinRed include:

  • Dating
  • Gaming
  • Nutra

Publishers running native ads on their site can benefit from TwinRed’s ‘compete’ technology. This shows banners ads or native ads within the same widget, allowing for a higher CPM value.

Setting up your account is quick and easy, and Skype support is offered as standard.

The campaign creation interface is highly intuitive and simple to use, and advertisers can edit any of the targeting options should they need to make changes to their campaigns.

The system will show you the estimated daily inventory volume and median bid for any placements you create, giving you a benchmark figure from which to assess your campaign performance.

Funds can be added in the following ways:

  • Wire Transfer
  • Paxum
  • PayPal

Deposits are as low as $100 for Paxum payments but customers using wire transfer will need to deposit $500 to get started on the network.

Most popular trackers are supported and advanced macros are available to help you optimize your campaigns.

Users are advised to get in touch with their account manager if they need any help in this area.

TwinRed is a top-performing adult ad network with enough traffic to appeal to high-volume adult affiliates.

Register with TwinRed using the link below to get an extra 50% added to the value of your deposit.

Sign up with TwinRed

7. BidVertiser


BidVertiser platform has over 76M daily impressions for the Native Ad format.

Advertisers can choose to run Native Ads for mainstream campaigns, with a daily budget of just $5 and a minimum bid of just 0.003$ per click.

There’s a large number of networking sites, and the platform boasts over 1.5M daily conversions, so it’s’ well worth a closer look.

See also: BidVertiser Review

Along with a large volume of high converting traffic, BidVertiser also has ample targeting and tracking capabilities to make your campaign a success.

These include:

  • GEO: Country, Region, State
  • Context: Run of Network
  • Filters: Quality, Day Parting, Freq Cap
  • SubID
  • Device: Operating System, Browser
  • Environmental: Connection Type, ISP, Carrier

Advertisers can use keywords to get highly targeted traffic which displays their ads in relevant search results.

One neat feature of the platform is the addition of the Real-Time Bid Analyzer, which allows advertisers to see the real-time system top bid for specific campaign targeting options.

Setting up the campaign is quick and easy, and there’s a bunch of advanced settings to fine-tune your targeting and bids.

Advanced targeting options include:

  • Daily Ad Budget
  • GEO Targeting
  • Language Targeting
  • OS/Browser
  • Connection Type
  • Carrier Targeting
  • Day Parting
  • Subid Blacklisting
  • Subid Whitelisting
  • Bid Override
  • Bid Automation
  • Bid Automation Log

You can maximize your traffic with BidVertiser’s Campaign Health Analysis and see which settings may be holding you back.

You can also throttle your campaign which will cut back the visibility potential, or click the reporting tab to get a daily summary of your performance stats

Creating your account only takes a few seconds, and you’ll be able to start running campaigns as soon as you have added funds to activate your account.

BidVertiser is one of the few platforms that allow you to fund your account using cryptocurrencies along with the following payment methods:

  • Credit Card
  • WebMoney
  • PayPal
  • Payoneer
  • InterKassa
  • Cryptocurrency

You’ll need to deposit a minimum of 300$ to get started and activate your account.

Tracking works well with all major trackers and you can use the in-built destination URL macros to identity high and low performing traffic sources.

The platform also has some advanced ad-tech solutions, including top security to protect against bot traffic and malware.

The knowledgeable and helpful support team can be contacted via support ticker or Skype and can assist you with campaign creation or any problems that you may be experiencing.

Claim our BidVertiser coupon here.

Sign up with BidVertiser

8. Reacheffect

Reacheffect is not just limited to a single form of advertising; it supports an extensive variety of ad types, making it versatile for different marketing strategies. One of the most notable ad formats offered is native ads.

Having opened its doors in 2012, Reacheffect has steadily expanded its reach and capabilities. Now, the network boasts an impressive traffic volume, extending to over 200 countries, with up to 2 billion clicks per month.

One of the standout features of Reacheffect is its proven track record across several high-performing verticals. According to comprehensive testing, the network achieves remarkable conversion rates in Finance, Dating, E-Commerce, Gaming, Software, Casino, and Sports Betting arenas.

These sectors are notorious for their competitive nature, yet Reacheffect consistently drives successful ad campaigns within them. This makes it an optimal choice for affiliates focusing on these industries, providing them with a reliable platform to reach targeted audiences and achieve their objectives.

native ads

Optimization is key to Reacheffect’s services. They ensure each campaign hits its peak performance. The platform offers tools like whitelisting and blacklisting ad zones, domains, IPs, ISPs, and SubIDs. This allows for precise targeting and exclusion based on performance data.

Speaking of targeting, the network offers standard filters, which are:

  • country targeting
  • device targeting
  • operating system and OS versions targeting
  • browser and browser languages targeting
  • connection targeting
  • web view and adblockers option

Additionally, Reacheffect features an auto-optimization tool that automatically adjusts campaigns based on the data collected. This tool is enabled by default when you input a value on Fixed CPA during campaign setup. For the CPA optimization feature to function, a minimum deposit of $500 and a minimum daily budget of $30 are required.

In addition to the existing optimization options, Reacheffect also offers the flexibility to adjust bids on a per-country or per-ad-zone basis. This allows advertisers to fine-tune their campaigns with greater precision by tailoring bids according to the specific performance metrics of each source.

Instead of cutting out underperforming ad zones, try lowering their bids. This way, you manage costs better. For zones that perform well, raise their bids.

You’ll get more traffic from these areas without increasing overall campaign costs. This strategy maximizes your budget. It also boosts your ROAS by investing in the most profitable segments.

To top it all off, Reacheffect provides excellent support. Support is an often overlooked but crucial aspect of a successful ad network.

Reacheffect excels in this area with its dedicated and proactive 24/7 support team. Upon creating an ad account, advertisers are immediately contacted by several support members through their preferred messaging app.

They go beyond responding to questions by proactively monitoring campaigns to ensure that advertisers achieve their goals. This dedicated support is especially beneficial for newcomers to the platform, instilling confidence and providing an added layer of campaign management.

Advertisers can choose from various payment methods, including several cryptocurrencies (BTC, TRC20, BEP20, and ERC20), e-wallets (PayPal, Payoneer, Capitalist), and bank transfers. The minimum deposit amount required is only $50, making it accessible for smaller businesses or those looking to test the platform.

Reacheffect is currently giving out an exciting bonus to all new users. Upon making your first deposit of $50, you’ll get an additional 10% to spend! This exclusive offer is available only through Mobidea Academy’s exclusive Reacheffect coupon.

Curious to learn more? Read our full Reacheffect review.

Sign up with Reacheffect

9. OnClickA

OnClickA, a self-serve ad network founded in 2020, offers a potent platform for advertisers, particularly through its native ad placements. They offer Native Ads for Dating traffic, and Native Teaser Ads for mainstream traffic.

This network supports various pricing models for native ads, including CPM, CPM Goal, CPC, and CPA, with a minimum bid starting as low as $0.001.

With a significant monthly traffic volume of 26 million for native ads alone, and a whopping 26 billion across all ad formats, OnClickA provides a fertile ground for conversions. It works especially well in high-performing verticals such as Dating, E-Commerce, Gambling, Finance, and Adult.

One of the standout features of OnClickA is its multilingual interface, which supports English, German, Japanese, and Spanish, making it accessible to a global audience. Aside from that, the interface itself is easy to utilize. The campaign set-up is a breeze.

OnClickA comes with a handy Traffic Chart that lets advertisers check out ad delivery metrics from the past week. You can see detailed stats like impressions, clicks, minimum bids, and recommended bids by country. Advertisers can choose to view stats from Premium sites only or go for Run of Network (RON) for a wider view.

Another notable feature is Microbidding, which allows you to leave individual bids per website. OnClickA’s microbidding is a sophisticated tool designed to enhance budget management and optimize ad spend for advertisers.

This feature allows advertisers to place separate bids on whitelisted websites, tailoring their expenditure according to the value of each traffic source.

Advertisers can allocate their budget more effectively when they have granular control over bid amounts, ensuring they pay appropriately based on the performance and importance of individual sources.

This level of customization not only maximizes return on investment but also empowers advertisers to fine-tune their campaigns with greater precision.

There’s also the Ad Spot feature, which lets advertisers blacklist specific ad spots from individual websites. When you exclude underperforming spots, you can focus your budget on high-performing placements. It allows for precise strategy adjustments, making advertising efforts more successful.

While OnClickA is renowned for its banner and push traffic, its native ad placements also deliver impressive results. The platform’s granular and niche targeting capabilities significantly enhance user engagement, making it a valuable option for advertisers seeking to maximize their campaign performance.

If you’d like to try it out, you can start with a modest account funding of just $75. There are multiple payment options available to you, including Credit Card, Capitalist, Bitcoin, Capitalist USDT, Perfect Money, and Coinbase.

As an added bonus, new users can unlock an extra $50 on their first deposit of $75 or more by using the promo code MOBIDEACLICK.

Not quite sure if you’re ready to jump in? Read our full OnClickA review first.

Sign up with OnClickA

10. Galaksion

galaksion ad network homepage

Galaksion is a global ad network with native traffic in over 160 countries from a pool of exclusive publishers and optimization tools.

They have over 30 billion monthly impressions with direct traffic from manually verified publishers and a free database of high-converting creatives to choose from.

The ad network has a low barrier to entry, with a minimum deposit threshold of just $50, and employs some fantastic targeting and security features that make it worth a closer look.

The Latvian ad network Galaksion has its offices in Riga, and specializes in digital advertising in Asia (ID,IN,MY,PH,TH,VN,SG), Latam (BR,MX,AR), Tier-1 (US,GB,CA,AU), Europe (IT, FR, ES, DE) and Mena (AE, SA, KW, EG).

You can get pretty cheap in tier 1 Geos, and benefit from global support from the Galaksion team.

The platform also has some impressive targeting capabilities, including Country, Region, City, Browser, Browser language, Black and White lists, Platform OS + OS version, ISP, Time targeting, and Frequency Capping.

You can take advantage of various pricing models, including CPC, CPM, and CPA. Galaksion also has some good optimizers, engaging placements, and has good tracking technology.

One of the neat things about the platform is the ability to see potential traffic volumes at a glance, before you start running a campaign.

The website and SSP platform have both recently been revamped, and have benefitted from a lot of neat changes. Setting up a campaign is super quick, but make sure you check the list of prohibited ad campaigns before you get started.

Setting up a native ad is super simple-all you need is a header, a body, and an image. You can add macros from the list provided, and even choose from high-converting recommended templates to give yourself a running start.

You can choose from either the CPM or CPC pricing model, select a frequency, and even import black lists or white lists to use with your campaign.

One cool feature is the CPA goal, which allows advertisers to profit from the platform’s in-built optimizers. Just make sure to set up your postback if you wanna use the automatic optimization tools.

While the network is perhaps best known for pop and push traffic, you can do pretty well with their native ad placements, and the granular targeting helps to get high engagement with users.

You’ll need to click the advanced options to find ISP or carrier on the campaign setup, and the ability to see your projected impressions is a nice feature to have.

If you want to get more technical, you can view the traffic volumes tab, which will give you daily impressions and recommend rate for each Geo for your chosen ad format and targeting.

Plus, with just a $50 minimum deposit, there’s a low barrier to entry, and you can create a test campaign with just $20 to see how well it performs.

Ready to get started? Sign up with Galaksion today, and get a 15% top up on the value of your deposit, using the code MOBIDEA15.

Read our full Galaksion Review here.

Sign up with Galaksion

11. DAO.AD

dao ad native ad network

Dao.Ad is an innovative advertising network renowned for its unique approach to online advertising. Established in 2019, it has swiftly risen to prominence by offering advertisers a wide array of advertising types and an extensive volume of daily traffic.

One of Dao.Ad’s most potent advertising formats is its Native Ads. With a daily traffic volume of 50 million views, Dao.Ad’s native ads reach a wide audience, contributing to higher engagement and conversion rates.

The top countries for native ads on this platform include the United States, Indonesia, India, and Canada. This broad geographical reach provides advertisers with a vast audience, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Dao.Ad sets itself apart from many other advertising networks with the control it offers over traffic quality. Advertisers can choose the quality of traffic they want, tailoring their campaigns to meet specific business goals.

If you want cheap traffic, even if it’s low or regular quality, you’ve got it. Or you want high or premium quality, and you’re willing to pay the price, you can get that, too!

Advertisers can leverage enhanced targeting capabilities to reach their ideal audience. The platform allows for granular targeting based on:

  • geography
  • device type
  • operating system
  • browser
  • connection type
  • language
  • mobile provider
  • vertical
  • category (mainstream, adult, or racy)

While Dao.Ad’s Native Ads perform well across various verticals, they particularly shine in Dating, News Promotion, Nutra, Gambling, and WAP categories. The seamless integration of these ads into the user’s browsing experience contributes to higher engagement and conversion rates in these verticals.

Another thing we liked about Dao.Ad is that setting up a campaign is a breeze, thanks to its user-friendly interface. Advertisers can easily choose their desired ad format, set their targeting parameters, and launch their campaigns in no time. This ease of use makes this ad network an ideal choice for both seasoned marketers and those new to the world of online advertising.

Speed is crucial in the fast-paced world of digital marketing, and this network understands this well. The platform offers quick campaign moderation, ensuring that your ads go live as soon as possible.

And this happens even if the moderation is done manually! The moderation team is available from 7:00 in the morning to 23:00 at night, following the Central European Time (CET).

This swift turnaround time allows advertisers to capitalize on timely opportunities and stay ahead of the competition. Plus, in case your ad is rejected, the moderators provide enough information to tell you why the ad was not approved, unlike other networks that will just show the rejected status with no further explanation.

Despite offering premium features and high-quality traffic, Dao.Ad remains an affordable option for advertisers. The platform operates on a CPC bidding model for native ads, with bids placed per 1,000 clicks. The minimum bid is set at just $1.0, making this network a cost-effective solution for marketers on any budget.

Finally, Dao.Ad’s low deposit requirement of just $50 makes it accessible to both big and small advertisers.

Despite being a relatively new player in the advertising network industry, Dao.Ad has proven to be a strong competitor, providing robust advertising features that cater to the diverse needs of its users.

Give it a try! Or you can read our full Dao.Ad review here first.

Sign up with Dao.Ad

12. JuicyAds

juicyads for best native ad networks

JuicyAds is an adult ad network that has earned recognition for its outstanding services by receiving over 30 awards across the adult and advertising industries. The accolades underscore the company’s reputation as the premier choice for adult advertising.

With direct-buy and RON ad placement options and several customizable ad formats, JuicyAds provides everything you need to create impactful campaigns that get real results. It has also recently improved its user interface, so it’s easier to navigate and use.

One of the most significant advantages of using JuicyAds is the ability to buy ad placements directly through their Marketplace. This means you can secure ad placements that reach your intended audience. There are almost 2,500 ad zones available in JuicyAds Marketplace, so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to connect with your customers and drive traffic to your website.

To help you decide, the network provides complete information on each placement, such as the following:

  • website URL
  • category
  • niche targets – The niche topics that the website focuses on.
  • rating – General (PG), Adult: Non-Nude, Adult: Softcore, and Adult: Hardcore.
  • ad size
  • average feedback score – Given by advertisers who have used the specific placement.
  • zone details
  • zone statistics (audience demographics)
  • zone impression
  • traffic sources
  • traffic by country
  • ad availability

The Buy an Ad section is where all the magic happens. Here, you’ll find the prices for each ad spot based on a specific number of days, either 7, 14, or 30 days. If this zone is perfect for your ad, then it’s as simple as clicking on the “Buy Now!” button and choosing the number of days you want for your ad to appear on the spot. You can then proceed to payment and uploading of ad creatives, and you’re done.

Additionally, JuicyAds also offers RON campaigns (Run of Network) that give you broad and diverse coverage. With a variety of ad formats, including banners, pop ads, and native ads, the customization options are endless. Whatever your branding and marketing strategy, JuicyAds can help you achieve it.

For RON campaigns, advertisers can target users based on standard targeting options, such as:

  • Country
  • IP
  • Carrier
  • Device
  • Browser
  • OS
  • Language

They also allow you to target viewers based on niche adult topics. Publisher websites are categorized based on their niches, after all.

One important JuicyAds feature to note is Source Smoothing™. With it, you no longer have to worry about temporarily blocking traffic from a particular source. Instead, the platform itself temporarily pauses the flow from that source, allowing you to receive traffic evenly across all of the other sources.

You can say goodbye to the days of getting bulk traffic from just a few sources, so you won’t have to monitor your campaigns intently just to make sure you don’t overspend on a handful of sites.

To top it all off, JuicyAds know that providing excellent support is just as important as delivering great campaigns. Its team of experts is always available to assist marketers of all levels. They provide professional and versatile support and guidance to ensure that everyone has the same chance of success. If you deposit at least $500 to your account, you will automatically be qualified to have a dedicated account manager who will assist you with your campaigns.

But if you don’t want to spend $500 (yet), you won’t have to worry since you’ll still be provided with ad management support through JuicyAds’ Adsistant®. As its name implies, it assists advertisers by optimizing your campaigns through custom rules. It also sends reports on ad placements that can work for you based on your previous campaigns.

With JuicyAds, you can rest assured that your ad will reach a diverse and engaged audience. Check our full JuicyAds review.

Sign up with JuicyAds

13. ClickAdilla

clickadilla homepage for best native ad networks

One of the things we love most about ClickAdilla is the interactive traffic chart tool. Use this tool in connection with filters tailored to your traffic to see impressions, clicks, minimum price and recommended price for your ads, based on the last week of traffic activity.

You’ll can also use the price box tool on the campaign creation tab to get a visual overview of the audience reach and traffic volumes, based on your bid settings.

Creating a native ad is as simple as entering a Title and a URL, and uploading an attention grabbing image to rack up the clicks.

You can also use a variety of tracking tokens, including:

  • [DOMAIN] – HTTP referrer domain name.
  • [PRICE] – your ad price (in USD).
  • [DEVICEUA] – user agent.
  • [CAMPAIGN_ID] – your advertising campaign id.
  • [NATIVE_AD_CREATIVE_ID] – ID of the native ad image in the rotation.
  • [CLICK_ID] – click counter.

ClickAdilla is a leading self-serve ad network, based in Dublin, with global traffic from over 240+ Geos. They offer a variety of ad formats, including Native, In-app native, and In-app Banner, along with advanced targeting options to make your campaigns a success.

You’ll find there’s a high volume of exclusive native traffic on offer, in top performing verticals, including Dating, Sweepstakes, Gambling, and Adult.

You can run native ads using CPC or the CPC price model, and enjoy full control over your expenses with the bid management tools.

Along with some killer placements on exclusive traffic sources, you’ll find targeting that you can tweak to your heart’s content.

Targeting includes:

  • GEO
  • Device
  • OS
  • ISP/Carrier
  • Broswer
  • IP
  • Website
  • Language
  • Time
  • Category
  • Demographic
  • Retargeting
  • Black/White List
  • Frequency Capping

This ad network works well with many popular verticals, including:

  • Dating
  • App downloads
  • Desktop downloads
  • E-commerce
  • Games

If you’re the type of affiliate who likes to track your performance down to the granular level, you’ll love ClickAdilla’s tracking solutions.

The self-serve ad network is fully compatible with many of the leading ad trackers.

Plus, you can head over to the stats tab to get detailed stats on the costs and impressions for your campaigns and ad placements.

You can fund your account from just $50, and choose from a wide selection of payments including Credit Card, Wire, Paxum, Bitcoin, WebMoney, Capitalist, Robocassa, Perfect Money, and QIWIAd Format.

ClickAdilla is a great ad network with a high CTR, that will boost your conversions and provide enough volume for large scale-media buys. They’re a great traffic source for adult and mainstream affiliates, and with a low barrier to entry, should rank high on any list.

Ready to get started with ClickAdilla?

Use the promo code MOBIDEA5 and get a 5% cashback on your first deposit from $100.

Read our full ClickAdilla Review here.

Sign up with ClickAdilla

14. MyBid

best ad native networks mybid


MyBid is another adult advertising network that works with multiple ad formats, including native ads. They deliver an average of 16 million native ad impressions per month, the majority of which come from direct publishers — not bad for an advertising network that has just recently opened its doors to the public.

But that’s not MyBid’s best feature. What makes this network stand out from the rest is that it offers only fully-managed advertising; there’s no self-service option available.

Now, a lot of affiliate marketers are not really familiar with working with managed networks since most of these cost a lot — either by requiring a high deposit or charging a fee for their services. However, MyBid does neither of those. For one, the minimum deposit required in MyBid is only $100, and for another, they don’t charge anything to manage their advertisers’ campaigns!

MyBid’s native ad traffic has been proven to work on Dating, Cams, and Nutra offers. They don’t have a minimum daily budget, so you can start a campaign with almost any daily limit.

Upon signing up, someone from MyBid’s team will reach out to you via the chatting platform you chose (Skype or Telegram) within the next hour or so. That is, if you sign-up on a weekday; if on the weekend, expect someone to contact you the following Monday.

So how do you start running campaigns? Once your personal account manager reaches out to you, that’s the time to discuss your advertising plans with them. If you are scaling a campaign that is already successful on a different platform, you can simply share the creatives you want to use and exchange links such as postback and tracking URLs.

Suppose you’re not exactly scaling but would want to test this ad network’s traffic. In that case, you must discuss with your dedicated manager all about your campaign goals, the niche you are focusing on, the offer’s conversion type, what ad creatives you’d like to test, and more.

MyBid already has a list of native ad sources and publishers that work best (and worst!) in specific niches, so they can create a whitelist campaign for you or just block the poor-performing ones from your campaign so you can still test the traffic. Either way, you can expect your campaign to work better than when you’re testing a new traffic network on your own.

Apart from the manager setting up the campaign for you, you still get to decide how you want to filter the audience. Available targeting options in MyBid are as follows:

  • Geolocation (Country and/or City)
  • Type of Operating System
  • Operating System version
  • Operating System family
  • Browser family
  • Browser version
  • Language
  • User interest
  • ISP / Provider
  • IP Range
  • The bidding options available at the moment are CPC and CPM, though they focus more on CPC.

When it comes to ad management, your dedicated account manager will take care of everything — from set-up to optimization. Of course, if you want specific changes done on your campaigns, you can ask your account manager to do it for you. They are available 24/7.

Read our comprehensive review on MyBid here.

Sign up with MyBid

15. EZmob

EZmob is a prestigious ad network that has garnered a reputation for its emphasis on premium traffic and services. The platform, established over a decade ago, has built an expansive network of publishers and advertisers worldwide, tailoring its services to accommodate the diverse needs of its clients.

Launching your first campaign with EZmob is seamless, with a minimum deposit of $100, allowing newcomers to dip their toes into the vast advertising pool without a significant upfront investment.

EZmob prides itself on a significant traffic flow, boasting an impressive number of visits from both Tier 1 and Tier 2 countries, such as the USA, France, Germany, India, and Vietnam. This geographical diversity helps ensure a broad reach for your campaigns, accommodating a wide spectrum of audience preferences.

One striking feature of EZmob is its high-quality traffic. The platform doesn’t merely focus on quantity; it equally emphasizes the quality of the audience its ads are displayed to. Understanding the platform’s audience as an affiliate is crucial, and EZmob ensures that its traffic aligns with the caliber of its advertisers’ offerings.

In terms of technical offerings, EZmob shines through with a plethora of targeting options, allowing advertisers to reach their intended audiences effectively:

  • Location (country/region/city)
  • Browser, Device & OS
  • Language
  • Device
  • Publisher Feed
  • Domain / App
  • ISPs and connection type (WiFi/Carrier)
  • Context / Keyword

EZmob also provides advanced targeting options for more precise campaign configurations. While many native ad platforms lack WiFi/Carrier targeting, Ezmob makes sure it’s part of its feature set. However, bear in mind the need for backup campaigns on your tracker to effectively manage WiFi traffic.

Other pivotal functionalities offered by EZmob include:

  • Retargeting enables you to follow up on leads that have shown interest in your campaigns.
  • Scheduling: Allows you to set specific times for displaying your ads.
  • Frequency capping: Helps limit the number of times an individual sees your ads, to prevent oversaturation.
  • Micro Bidding: A feature that lets you adjust your bids based on parameters that drive your campaign’s success.

EZmob provides excellent functionality and a friendly entry barrier, making it an ideal starting point for those venturing into native advertising. Thoroughly study their content guidelines to understand what niches and angles are permissible.

EZmob is providing an exceptional bonus to all new users from Mobidea. Upon making your first deposit of $300, you will receive a free bonus of $100! This offer is only available when you register through this URL and with the promo code EZID23. This offer is valid till the 31st of Dec., 2023.

This exclusive offer will allow you to explore and leverage EZmob’s superior ad formats, like Popunder, Push, Banner, and Native ads, and robust targeting options, including OS, Device, Platform, Placement, IP, and more, to achieve your marketing goals.

EZmob delivers an all-encompassing platform with robust, secure ad tech solutions solidified by high-quality traffic and innovative features. Its user-friendly interface, vast reach, and exceptional support make it a go-to choice for affiliates seeking premium traffic in a global marketplace.

Read our EZmob review here.

Sign up with EZmob

16. UngAds

ungads ad network

UngAds is a comprehensive advertising network that has been serving advertisers and publishers since 2015.

With a vast network of more than 500 thousand direct publishers and select suppliers, it offers quality traffic and extensive reach.

Aimed at a diverse audience, from new affiliates to seasoned marketers, UngAds provides optimal advertising solutions that deliver tangible results.

This platform isn’t just about serving ads — it’s dedicated to generating returns on your advertising investments.

When using native ads, advertisers have the option to bid on a CPM (Cost Per Mille) or CPC (Cost Per Click) basis for these ads.

Their network records an impressive average of 140 million impressions per day for native ads.

UngAds is well-known for having a simple and intuitive interface, making campaign creation and monitoring a painless process.

To provide transparency and aid in campaign planning, the network features a traffic volume page that displays the daily impressions available based on the previous day’s performance of their publishers.

The network likewise makes it easy to integrate your tracker into the ad network, enabling you to send conversion data back to UngAds for analysis. The supported trackers include but are not limited to, LandingTrack, Ads Bridge, Redtrack, OctoTracker, Keitaro, BeMob, Voluum, Peerclick, ThriveTracker, and Binom.

If you want to test different images and ad messaging, you’d be happy to know that UngAds allows advertisers to have up to 10 creatives in a single campaign.

One unique feature for ad creatives is the ability to use dynamic keywords within the ad text. By using the keyword {city}, your ad automatically integrates the user’s location into the ad copy, creating a more personalized and relevant advertising experience.

As for reaching your desired audience, UngAds has got you covered. Its various filters are as follows:

  • Country, state, and city targeting
  • Language targeting
  • Connection type (3G/carriers, Wi-Fi, or All)
  • Traffic Type (Mainstream, Adult, or Both)
  • OS and its versions
  • Browsers
  • Carriers
  • Devices

When it comes to affiliate success, UngAds has a proven track record in various verticals. It’s not just about throwing any offer into the mix but about using data and experience to choose the ones that have shown real success.

If you aim to promote utilities and app installs, target Indonesia (ID), Brazil (BR), and Mexico (MX). If your focus is the betting industry, you’ll find remarkable results in Senegal (SN), Nigeria (NG), and Burkina Faso (BF).

E-commerce advertisers find success in Indonesia (ID), Turkey (TR), and the Philippines (PH). If you’re promoting dating offers, Thailand (TH), Japan (JP), and Germany (DE) are your best bets. And for adult content, you should aim for Colombia (CO), South Africa (ZA), and Mexico (MX).

But don’t stop there! The key to success in Ungads is to experiment. Test different strategies, analyze the results, and refine your approach based on what yields the best results for your affiliate offers.

For a deeper look into this ad network, check out our UngAds full review.

Sign up with UngAds

Best Native Ad Networks for Advanced Affiliates

1. Outbrain

outbrain native ad network

Now that we’ve talked about affiliate-friendly ad networks, let’s move to the more conventional ones – those that have defined the native ad space.

Our first contender for this category doesn’t require big presentations, as Outbrain has been one of the top platforms for many years now.

Their motto is simple – quality.

Quality in every possible respect.

Just think of it – in order access Outbrain’s network, a website is required to have 1,000,000 US visits per month! That’s a huge turn-off for most websites, even if that number is negotiable (which it is anyway).

But, as a result, you’ve got an opportunity to appear on absolute top-quality placements, such as CNN, Fox News, Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, Mashable, and more. Got a sense of the level now?

The traffic source distribution is also close to perfect, dominated by Tier 1 countries.

outbrain traffic by countries

Source: SimilarWeb

But, as it often happens, high quality and strict policies aren’t really good news for affiliates. The approval process on Outbrain is crazy strict. You can submit your creatives numerous times, but still get rejected for no apparent reason.

Make sure to check the 2k-word worth guidelines on their website – it’s gonna prevent a lot of frustration when you’re just starting out. In order to be really frugal on headaches make sure to use a native ad spying tool like AdPlexity (Exclusive Discount Coupon)and see which campaigns are actually runnable by Outbrain standards.

Common sense dictates that if you’re considering Outbrain in your budget, you can prolly afford an ad spying tool (did we guess correctly?), so by all means – do use it!

Even though the minimum ad spend on Outbrain is just $20 (it’s $75 on Taboola), you can expect a pretty high CPC with your campaigns running at as much as $1 per click even in low-competition top tier GEOs.

Now, let’s check the targeting options. The most important question is how well can you tailor your campaign to your target audience from the start?

Turns out, not too much.

outbrain targeting

Outbrain’s campaign setup assumes the look of Facebook Ads, which would probably get you excited – up until you actually start targeting and see the missing options:

Location – nothing unusual here

Platform – simple device category selection, but with no specific OS targeting (which makes it harder to promote CPI offers)

Audience Segmentation – a retargeting tool to reach out to past clickers/viewers or lookalike audiences

Interest Targeting – the strongest tool from Outbrain. Here you can apply lots of options and create sophisticated combinations for reaching out to your ideal customer

Outbrain isn’t closed for affiliate marketers, but in order to get there you should convince them that you, like their publishers, are the absolute top of the bunch.

Sign up on Outbrain

2. Taboola

Taboola native ad network

Taboola has been around since 2007 and has built a lot of authority. It’s the platform to use if you want your content (or offers really) to be displayed on AOL, NBC, Business Insider, MSN, USA Today etc. – a.k.a. the real authority carriers.

If you check their traffic flows, you’re really gonna like the picture:

taboola traffic by countries

Source: SimilarWeb

At least 50% of the network’s traffic comes from Tier 1 countries, which makes Taboola a definitive source of high-quality traffic.

Aside from serving regular ads and content suggestions, it also brokers some Absence traffic and serves video ads (for instance, Taboola carried out the Dollar Shave Club video campaign).


It’s a network with a tough entry barrier. For one, they don’t except websites with less than 500,000 monthly traffic, their content policies are pretty strict, and they are super focused on the publisher’s and the consumer’s experience.

Taboola, for example, allows publishers to add negative keywords to restrict ads/content with certain headlines from ever appearing on the publisher’s website.

Or there is also an option for the viewer to hide any ad they don’t like (aka Taboola Choice feature).

What about the part that all affiliates love – targeting? Well, Taboola proves to be kinda conservative here:

tabool targeting

Location – Country, Region (+ blocking/exclusion)

Device – Desktop/Smartphone/Tablet

Operating system

Publisher blocking – who knows, maybe you already know that certain publishers aren’t a match for your offers


The last option – Audience – is somewhat tricky. Basically, it allows you to do two things:

  1. Retarget your audience (Campaign Clickers or Pixel Based options)
  2. Target a specific audience (Audience Segments) – something of a mash between Affinity and Demographics targeting, if we were to compare it with AdSense).

Then come CPC settings, which you’re gonna find are very helpful. Taboola is a CPC blackhole due to its high-quality traffic and top geos, thus you’re gonna have to set your budgets very carefully.

There’s a common CPC Bid, your CPA goal, accelerated/even spending and so on – Taboola generally gives recommendations for default values, which you can use while in the “data gathering” mode.

You can edit your campaign at any time by simply adjusting those settings on the go to increase ROI.

Taboola is really a place for seasoned native affiliate marketers and should only be approached by you when you’ve juiced the hell out of MGID and Revcontent or have more budget and high-quality offers that need premium traffic.

Sign up on Taboola

3. Revcontent

Revcontent is a relative newcomer who strives to strike a good balance between the quality of publishers and being affiliate friendly.

And they mean business. It’s not by accident that they’re frequently named as the “top growing native advertising network” despite the fact that their growth strategy is pretty self-limiting.

The Revcontent team set high standards for their publishers, such as requiring a website to generate at least 50,000 monthly visits, and proudly claim (right there on the homepage) to reject 98% of all applicant publishers.

The results? Check them out:

revcontent traffic by countries

Source: SimilarWeb

Revcontent’s got at least two Tier 1 countries in its GEO list, which is good. But what’s way better – The US generates the absolute majority of the traffic. No wonder, they even have different requirements for US and Indian websites.

They say that “Not every website is created equal”, and they definitely practice what they preach.

Let’s talk about what Revcontent offers to advertisers, shall we?

The list is familiar to you, but there’s a twist.

Revcontent allows you to use one of the bidding models:

  • CPC – standard cost per click
  • vCPM – you’re only gonna be billed per viewable 1k impression, i.o.w. when your ad is actually seen.

revcontent bidding

Most marketers are probably gonna go for CPC, as that makes ROI optimization clear and straightforward. But it’s still nice to have an alternative, especially if you come up with a super attractive angle.

Oh, and don’t forget about the Optimization option – you can optimize for clicks or for actual ROI.

All of the other options are as you probably expect them:

  • Geo Targeting – both Include and Exclude options
  • Device & OS Targeting
  • No WiFi/Carrier targeting – they make it about content discovery, not conversions – so we, marketers, have to live with that
  • Language
  • Retargeting – available only for vCPM bidding, for some reason
  • Brand targeting – for targeting their exclusive top publishers (and skyrocket your CPC)
  • Topic targeting – for choosing website topics – where you want your ads to appear on

and – ah! – the super dope Exclude Low Volume Widgets option!

low volume widgets

How’s that useful? Well, you can filter out websites that have worsened their visits stats since joining the Revcontent network – and this way improve the traffic you’re buying.

Another thing that makes Revcontent stand out is the option for Push Notification Traffic. They offer 180mm – 500mm daily impressions, both for Mobile and Desktop, with 0.42% – 1.52% CTR and $0.01 – $0.20 CPCs. Considering the cost and reach – it may be something worth exploring with the appropriate type of offers, right?

So far, we’ve covered the good sides of this remarkable native ad network. How about its downsides?

Well, consider this – if they reject 98% percent of publisher applicants, they do hold affiliate marketers to even higher standards of scrutiny. Affiliate marketers are often on the dark side of the quality force, so you gotta be realistic in your expectations.

The approval time can easily take 10+ days.

And it’s in your best interest to avoid applying with an exotic credit card. It’s gonna instantly put a big fat red flag on your application.

All in all, Revcontent is a great ad network and traffic source – and that may bring you both headaches (when pleading for approval) and joy (when getting conversions).

Sign up on Revcontent


The native ad space is great at producing high-quality leads, scalable results, international reach, and volumes of data and revenue. And the most important thing you should know is that where content is King, native ads are the crown jewels!

So go ahead – run your offers there and shine!
