Breakdance Challenge

Ended 18 December

What's the prize?

There are 2 prizes:

  • 1 Winner ($300) and 1 Runner Up ($200) on each of the 3 rounds.
  • 1 Grand Winner ($500) at the end of the 3 rounds.

Who can participate?

Every Mobidea affiliate. Have in mind the following:

  • Affiliates must apply using this link.
  • You have to state your Mobidea email address and the alias you’d like to be known by. Be creative! (e.g “The Notorious Big”)
  • You can apply throughout the whole duration of the contest. 
  • Revenues will be counted from the moment the affiliate applies to the contest.

How does it work?

  • You’re competing on a 4-week round of challenges - you’re competing on 3 rounds.
  • Each round lasts 4 weeks, with the exception of the last round that goes on for 5 weeks.
  • For each $100 or 100€ of revenue generated, you get 1 point.
  • At the end of each round, the two contestants with more points get a prize of $300 and $200 respectively. 
  • The winners for the week get a bonus on their weekly points. Winner + 30%, 2nd place +20%, 3rd place +10%.
  • For example, if you get 2 points in a week and you're on 2nd place, you get 20% extra points, making a total of 2.4 points for that specific week.
  • At the end of the last round, the contestant with the most points accumulated from all 3 rounds gets a Grand Prize of $500. 
  • Each month, you’ll have one vertical to promote offers from and accumulate points.
  • Sept 18th - Oct 15th -> Sweepstakes/Coupons & Vouchers
  • Oct 16th - Nov 12th -> Mobile Content
  • Nov 13th - Dec 18th -> Dating


Terms & Conditions

  1. Prizes will be given in the form of credit on Mobidea.
  2. Affiliates will have to upload their ID and proof of address in order to unblock the cashier and be able to transfer their prize cash.
  3. Winners for each round will be announced within 5 business days from the round end date on Mobidea's social media channels.
  4. In case of a tie, the winner will be the one who generated more revenue on each round.
  5. In case of yet another tie, we’ll take speed into account. This means the winner will be the person who was fastest to reach the winning number of points.
  6. Only contestants with at least 10 points per round will be eligible to earn prizes.
  7. We’ll announce round winners via email as well as on Mobidea’s social networks.
  8. With the exception of ad networks, affiliate networks and CPA networks, all affiliates can participate.
  9. Any taxes levied will be paid by the affiliate.
  10. Mobidea will not be responsible for any loss or damages which relate to this contest.
  11. In case you’re a minor, Mobidea will send your prize to either your parents or legal guardians.
  12. Random conversions coming from offers inside the Mobidea Smartlink are not going to be taken into account. The contest team will consider only those conversions that are coming from Single Offers.
  13. As soon as we receive your application, you’ll be accepting our Terms & Conditions.

Previous contests

Mainstream Fever Contest

Ended 22 June

Triple Threat Contest

Ended 18 April

Mobidea Sweeps Disco

Ended 21 September