
The modern advertising and affiliate marketing market is actively adopting new methods and technologies to attract and retain audiences.
With the advancement of digital technologies and growing competition, marketers are using innovative approaches such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data for more accurate targeting and personalized advertising.

Social media platforms and influencers are becoming key channels for product promotion, while programmatic advertising allows for the automation and real-time optimization of ad campaigns.

In affiliate marketing, there is a growing use of omnichannel strategies and mobile apps, enabling partners to interact more effectively with consumers and increase conversions.

These changes make the advertising and affiliate marketing market more dynamic and efficient, opening up new opportunities for businesses.

The Adoperator advertising network announces the release of two powerful tools for its clients. Advertisers can now use the AI-powered landing page generator completely free of charge and create and manage remarketing audiences for push notifications format.

How the Laning Page Generator Works

Simply upload a screenshot of the page (this can also be your landing page mockup) and select the desired settings.

upload screenshot to ai landing page generator

Then, you just need to copy the page code and upload it to your server.

With minimal knowledge of HTML, you can add links to the offer and make any necessary adjustments if desired.

What About the Audience Manager?

Installing a unique code on the website known as a retargeting pixel is usually the first step in the remarketing process. This pixel gathers data about visitors to your website and adds them to specific audience lists.

An feature that allows you to gather audience information about people who have visited your page without the need to install specific code has been implemented by the Adoperator.

One of the most useful tools in your digital marketing toolbox is remarketing, which helps you enhance conversions and successfully win back lost customers.
When used correctly, this method can increase advertising’s return on investment while also helping your company achieve notable achievements.

How To Create, Manage and Target Audiences in Adoperator Dashboard?

Activate checkbox when you create push ads campaign to collect and start your ad campaign.

adoperator audience targeting

After an hour of activity you will find your audience collected in the Audience Manager.

adoperator audience manager

Now you can create push ads campaigns with a target audience or even more than one different audience.

Adoperator has long and successfully cooperated with Mobidea Academy and is pleased to offer new clients a special promo code IDEAS150.
With a top-up of $150 or more, you receive an additional $25 in your account.

Additionally, advertisers can benefit from a lifetime 5% cashback on USDT top-ups.

You can register with the Adoperator advertising network here.

If you want to learn more about their platform, read our in-depth Adoperator review.
